
A $250 flat rate covers my individual practicing, combined rehearsals, lessons with a private teacher, practice performances, and the final performance. Fees may be added to meet the request of extra rehearsals or performances, or if the timeline for performing a piece is extended.


Due on my website under “Payments” before the day of the final performance. I have the right not to attend the performance if not paid in full.

Role as Accompanist:

I will communicate my schedule clearly and attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances with the music well-practiced. In this role, I do not expect to lead the rehearsals and I understand that any musical ideas I have may be overruled by the instrumentalist or vocalist.

Accompanist Policy

Accompanying and collaborating with a variety of performers has become a true passion of mine. I look forward to performing with you!

Expectations of the Instrumentalist/Vocalist:

The instrumentalists and vocalists that I work with must communicate with me at least one week ahead of lessons or performances that I am to attend with few exceptions. A warning will follow a violation of this expectation. I will consider dropping soloists with repeated violations of our arrangement.

Role as Collaborator:

I will attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances with the music well-practiced. In this role, a payment from the collaborators is not always necessary and will be communicated before starting a project. I expect to meet regularly (at least twice a month) and work together to lead rehearsals and arrive at musical solutions.