I will inform the parents or students of where to go to buy certain books for the student. This is not a charge covered in the tuition.
Students must have access to a regularly tuned acoustic piano. At the early levels I will make an exception for students to study on an electronic keyboard, but I the same offer is not available to students playing advanced repertoire.
$80/month for 30-minute lessons and $150/month for 60-minute lessons. The respective lessons are paid via the "Payments" tab on my website. Multiple siblings in a family requesting lessons will get a discount price determined case by case. Tuition is due by the first lesson of the month and will be late by the 15th of each month, resulting in a 15% late charge.
Studio Etiquette:
If the student arrives early, please sit quietly in the waiting area until the previous lesson is finished. The students must wash their hands every time before and after playing the piano.
November 13: CPL Group Class at 4:30pm
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 4: CPL Group Class at 4:30pm
December 14: CPL Recital at 10am
Studio Policy
Mission: To share my passion for the piano with my students and enable them to express themselves through music.
Students show up to every lesson with all of their books including a notebook for me to write notes.
They should arrive to the lesson having practiced at least the minimum requirement for their level throughout the week. Students can still be instructed even if they haven’t practiced, however, consecutive weeks of inadequate practice will give me reason to dismiss the student.
Parents should come to the lessons of their students as the added support of the parents will increase the student’s success on the instrument. At the higher levels, this is not necessary, but it still can be beneficial to the student’s musical education.
Showing up late to lessons is unacceptable for the student or myself. I understand things come up, so I will offer a make-up lesson on the off chance that I am late and I may request a make-up lesson of the student if he/she cuts my teaching time short.
The students will be apart of recitals and competitions throughout the school year. This means they will be required to learn and memorize pieces by certain deadlines and make attendance to these events a high priority.